STS-Tool Version 2.2.0 Released
We are happy to announce that STS-Tool version 2.2 has been officially released.
Today we also officially released SecBPMN2 and RDL plugins for STS-Tool. The former is a plugin for designing secure business processes while the latter is a plugin for editing RDL applications. They can be installed using STS-Tool plugin manager.
You will find the updated manuals and tutorials in the Documentation section of the website.
We frequently release patches to correct bugs and improve the stability and performances of the tool. Please remember to keep your STS-Tool updated.
For any question or issue with STS-Tools and its plugins,
do not hesitate to contact us.
The STS-Tool Staff.
The STS Book is now available for purchase on MIT Press
The book presents the STS method for designing secure software systems. The method focuses on the early stages of software design:
requirements engineering. STS is model-driven: the central activity that the designers conduct is the construction
of models that represent the security requirements of the system under design. These models are created using the
Socio-Technical Security modeling language (STS-ml), which is thoroughly described in the book. In addition to presenting
the STS-ml language and the STS method, the book describes the modeling and analysis software tool called STS-Tool that
supports the presented approach through a graphical modeling environment, automated reasoning capabilities to verify the
created models, and the automatic derivation of security requirements documents. The key message the authors convey through
the book is that designing secure software systems has to adopt a socio-technical systems perspective, as opposed to considering
just the technical aspects of the system. The book also features a background chapter concerning the computer and information security
landscape, an application of the method to two case studies, and a detailed comparison to complementary and alternative
approaches to security requirements engineering.
STS-Tool v2.0 is finally here!
The 1st version of STS-Tool 2.0 has been released. If you are already acquinted with STS-Tool, this new version provides better usability (tell us what you think!). We also support a wider range of security requirements inspired by international security standards.
Try it out and please provide us feedback and comments through our contact form to improve it.
We will keep you posted! 🙂